Web Site Benefits
Why are our Websites better?
We Can Get Your Business Online Fast
Professional Layout and Design
Unlimited Site Modifications
Automatic Software Upgrades
Email Accounts
Domain Name Registration
Search Engine Optimization
Website Stats & Analytics
Contact Management Tools
E-Commerce Tools
Easy to Use Software / Editing Tools
Hosting and Support
Website Features
Choose what features you need.
Analytics – See # of visitors, etc
Social Media Integration – Connect website to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc
Blog – updated content, articles, recipes, great for SEO
Contact Forms – estimates, etc
SEO – be found in Google
Photo Gallery – slide-show
Featured Slider – rotating image on front page of website, feature events, new products, etc
Emails – set up professional email
E-commerce – sell products online
Photos – professional photography
Logo & Graphic Design – website graphics
Video Production – commercial or business video
Why owning a Web Site is Better for every Business!
The ultimate importance of an online presence:
Better Customer Service
– Your customers expect it and it will give you instant credibility with your customers.
– You can use e-mail, online forms, etc.; make it easier to communicate
– You stay open for business 24-hours a day, every day of the year, even holidays!
Low Overhead
– You can't afford not to. With Internet sales increasing almost 400% in the last six years, it's just good common
sense to boost your business onboard the Internet superhighway. Your business will grow immediately.
Run your Business more efficiently
– It’s the most cost-effective way to display, describe, and sell your product. Customers like to pre-shop now.
Better Advertising
– It is the most cost-effective way to advertise; provide information to your customers more cost effectively as well.
Competitive Advantage
– It's the best way to stay competitive — considering that most of your rivals already own their own Web sites or are
looking into getting one.
E-commerce Convenience
– It is much more convenient for your customers to purchase your goods and services on-line.
– There are no more mail-in payments to worry about. E-commerce is safe, fast and convenient.
Increase Credibility
– You will gain credibility. A professional, well-designed site makes your business look successful, and builds trust
in your company and its products/services.
– Customers can check out your business and products instantly online
Contact us for a custom quote. Each website is unique!
920-470-7438 or info@shoplocalcommunities.com